ProjectWise Explorer Help

(admins) Where Auto-login Settings Get Stored in the Registry

Auto-login settings get stored in different places in the registry, depending on if they were installed by an administrator (default auto-login settings), whether they are global auto-login settings, or whether they are user override auto-login settings.

Default Settings

When the administrator distributes auto-login settings, they will get stored in the registry under the following key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Bentley\ProjectWise iDesktop Integration\10.00\AutoLogin

For example:

AdobeInDesign REG_SZ servername:datasourcename
AutoCAD REG_SZ servername:datasourcename
MicrosoftOffice REG_SZ servername:datasourcename
MicroStation REG_SZ servername:datasourcename
Revit REG_SZ servername:datasourcename

Global Settings

The supported auto-login applications (MicroStation, AutoCAD, Revit, Microsoft Office, and Adobe InDesign) that are currently installed and integrated with ProjectWise Explorer will be listed in the registry under the following key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bentley\ProjectWise iDesktop Integration\10.00\AutoLogin\AvailableClasses

When an administrator makes changes to the global settings Allow automatic login and Allow saving passwords on the iDesktop Auto-Login tab, the value of the GlobalSettings DWORD gets updated accordingly under this registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bentley\ProjectWise iDesktop Integration\10.00\AutoLogin

Each global setting has its own corresponding numerical value in the registry, so how you set these options in the dialog (on or off) determines the overall value of the GlobalSettings DWORD in the registry. For example:

If Allow automatic login is ON (registry value = 1) and Allow saving passwords is ON (registry value = 2) then the total value of GlobalSettings = 3
If Allow automatic login is ON (registry value = 1) and Allow saving passwords is OFF (registry value = 0) then the total value of GlobalSettings = 1
If Allow automatic login is OFF (registry value = 0) and Allow saving passwords is ON (registry value = 2) then the total value of GlobalSettings = 2
If Allow automatic login is OFF (registry value = 0) and Allow saving passwords is OFF (registry value = 0) then the total value of GlobalSettings = 0

User Override Settings

When changes are made to the application classes listed on the iDesktop Auto-Login tab, the settings get stored either as String values (REG_SZ) or Binary values (REG_BINARY) in the registry under the following key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bentley\ProjectWise iDesktop Integration\10.00\AutoLogin
Name (application class) Type Data (value)
possible classes:
  • MicroStation
  • AutoCAD
  • Revit
  • MicrosoftOffice
  • AdobeInDesign
possible types:
  • REG_SZ — this will be the value type, if auto-login is configured to use Windows single sign-on
  • REG_BINARY — this will be the value type, if auto-login is configured to use the CONNECTION client (Bentley IMS account), or a specific ProjectWise user name and password
possible values:
  • servername:datasourcename - If auto-login is configured to use Windows single sign-on
  • encrypted password - If auto-login is configured to use a Bentley IMS account or a specific ProjectWise user name and password